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Vac Deep Research

Vac Deep Research is at the forefront of exploration and cutting-edge innovation within the IFT. Their work extends beyond scientific publications, actively bridging the gap between theory and practice. The team collaborates with various entities, such as Vac R&D units, incubator projects, and IFT projects, to bring their research findings to fruition. Part of this effort includes identifying opportunities for and spawning new incubator projects, allowing Vac Deep Research to translate their research findings into practical applications within the IFT. Deep Research encompasses several key areas, including zero knowledge (ZK), decentralised privacy-preserving node provider networks, validator privacy, and libp2p gossipsub improvements.

Zero-Knowledge Proofs

In the realm of ZKP, Vac Deep Research has made contributions that have given rise to the incubator project Nescience. The team delved into the intricacies of zero-knowledge proofs, exploring their applications and pushing the boundaries of privacy-preserving technologies. By advancing the field of ZK, Vac Deep Research strengthens the foundation for secure and confidential interactions within decentralised networks.

Libp2p Gossipsub Improvements

Another area of focus for Vac Deep Research is "libp2p gossipsub improvements". The team explores ways to enhance the performance, efficiency, and reliability of the libp2p gossipsub protocol. By conducting in-depth research and proposing improvements, Vac Deep Research aims to optimise information sharing and communication within decentralised networks, contributing to the overall robustness and scalability of the P2P layers of IFT projects.

Anonymisation Networks

Vac also researches anonymisation networks, with the main goal of a libp2p gossipsub anonymisation layer with pluggable project-specific components.